Kidsports Academy at The Club at Woodbridge
Address : 585 Main St Woodbridge, NJ 07095
Phone : (732) 634-5000
Email :
Kidsports Academy is located inside The Club at Woodbridge at 585 Main Street Woodbridge, NJ 07095. We are open Monday’s through Friday from 7am – 6pm.
From: North Jersey
1. NJ Turnpike South to Exit 10.
2. Stay left out of toll booth.
3. Sign to 514 East – Woodbridge.
4. 2 miles on 514 East/Main St – Right side of road.
From: South Jersey
1. NJ Turnpike North to Exit 10.
2. Stay left out of toll booth.
3. Sign to 514- East/Main St- Right side of road.
From: North Jersey Parkway
1. Parkway South to Exit 130. 2. Route 1 North to 1st Light (Woodbridge Center Drive). Make right turn.
3. Go 4 lights, (Woodbridge Center on left).
4. Stay in right lane (Wegman’s on left), bear right onto Main Street.
5. Club is on the left side of Main Street between Sovereign Bank and Quick & Easy. 585 Main St.
From: South Jersey Parkway
1. Parkway North to Route 9 North.
2. About 2 miles Exit on right (just past the gas station).
3. Exit is Main St. then left under Route 9.
4. 3/4 miles on left side after Quick & Easy store.
From: Staten Island
1. Take Outerbridge crossing to Pfeifer Blvd.
2. Pfeifer Blvd. to Route 9 North.
3. About 2 miles Exit on right (just past the gas station). The exit is Woodbridge Main Street.
4. Make a left on Main Street. Go approximately 3/4 mile on left.
From: Bridgewater/Bernardsville Area
Take 287 South to 514 East Woodbridge Exit (514 is Main Street) The Club is on Route 514 / Main Street after the 5th light on the right. (The first light is a gas station).
From: Route 18/Route 1 North
1. Take Route 1 North approximately 8-10 miles to Woodbridge Shopping Mall.
2. Make a right at the traffic light (Beth Israel Cemetery will be on your right).
3. Take Woodbridge Center Drive through 4 lights.
4. Stay in right lane (Wegman’s on left), bear right onto Main Street.
5. Club is on the left side of Main Street between Sovereign Bank and Quick & Easy. 585 Main St.